The price difference between two comparable transportation services can easily be twofold. Logentia helps you choose the cheaper one – fast.

Shortcut to cutting transportation costs
Choosing the optimal transportation service is one of the quickest ways to improve the company’s profitability. Logentia’s system enables choosing the best transport option for each shipment based on the customer’s transport contracts. After making a selection using the ERP system or the web interface the transportation can be ordered electronically via Logentia’s system.
Are these challenges familiar?
- The persons ordering transportations are not aware of all the available transport options
- The persons ordering transportations cannot check the price and delivery time details on all transport options in one place
- Different transport options are compared to each other by individually entering the same details onto the systems of different transportation businesses
- The transportations are still ordered by email or phone
- The same persons within the organization are always enquired for price or delivery time details
Benefits achieved through optimal transport selections:
- You can choose the most efficient option for each transportation from your own transport contracts in seconds.
- You can choose the best transportation based on, for example, price, delivery time, delivery days or CO2 emissions. Logentia keeps the fuel surcharges, road taxes, sulfur surcharges and other price factors up to date.
- After making your optimal transport selection, you can order it electronically and print out the freight documents and parcel labels through the integrated transport administration system.
is the first… kuljetusten hallinnan ohjelmisto- ja asiantuntijayritys, joka tarjoaa kuljetussopimusten läpinäkyvyyden tuomat hyödyt teollisuudelle, tukkukauppiaille ja verkossa toimiville vähittäiskauppiaille.