Reliable transportation services are critical for the competitiveness of industrial companies. That is why many companies increase manual processes to improve control over their transportation services. Logentia offers a more efficient alternative.

Some of the industries represented by our customers:

  • Construction product industry
  • Printing products industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Car accessories industry
  • Textile industry

Tender. Select. Control.

The conceptualized tendering of transportation services ensures that the contract pool of a particular company includes the highest quality and most competitively priced transport partners suited for the company’s industry and the location of its industrial plants.

The digitalization of transport contracts, on the other hand, increases transparency and optimizes the use of transportation services. Logentia’s optimal transport selection makes it possible to always choose the most cost-effective service for the inbound and outbound deliveries.

With Logentia’s transportation invoice control, it is possible to detect invoicing errors and hidden costs charged by transport providers.

Logentia has enabled our industrial clients to:

  • Lower their price level by over 30% by tendering the most efficient transport partners
  • ACut their transportation costs in their daily work by over 15% by choosing the most efficient transportation service that meets their transport needs
  • Optimized the time used for controlling transportation invoices by 98%
  • Cut their raw material transportation costs by analyzing whether it is more economical to manage transports with a supplier’s transport contract or their own
Ready to try?

By optimizing their transport logistics, our customers are able to cut their costs by about 15%. The higher the importance of transportations is to the business, the bigger are the possibilities to achieve significant savings. Contact us, and we will get the ball rolling.

Tendering transportation services

Optimal transport selection

Pricing of transports

Transportation invoice control

Ready to try? It’s risk-free.

We have helped several industrial companies to overcome their challenges. If you want to improve your profitability fast, call us on +358 (0)44 973 1238. We would also be happy to show you how the system works with a demo.


Do you want to save in transportation costs? Please leave your contact information.

is the first transportation management software and expert company, which provides industries, wholesalers and online retailers with benefits made possible by the transparency of transport contracts. See sales contact details

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Itämerenkatu 3, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

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